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Weight Loss

Desperate to Lose Weight Fast? 9 Ways to Drop Those Pounds Quickly (And Safely)

Do you have an important event or reunion coming up? Are you getting that body out on the beach for the swimsuit season? Are you desperate to lose weight fast?

Dropping pounds quickly and safely may not be as scary as you think. And losing weight does more than just help your jeans fit better.

Losing weight can improve your blood pressure and cholesterol and keep your body free from diseases like diabetes and cancer. It can improve your energy and reduce your risk of depression. And everyday activities that used to be strenuous will quickly become less of a burden.

If you’re ready to lose weight, you’re not alone! Here are nine ways to start dropping those pounds quickly.

1. Cut Your Carbs

It’s no secret that foods with too many simple carbohydrates are bad for your body. It’s also no secret healthy eating and changing out your certain food intake can help overall.

Refined carbs don’t contain any redeeming qualities such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These include white bread, white rice, pastries, soda, and snacks.

Too many carbs can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. They can also cause serious swings in your blood sugar levels, which encourages overeating.

Consider replacing refined carbohydrates with whole grains. These are packed with vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin B and iron. Whole grains can also help you keep disease away.

Simple substitutions can help a lot. Consider, for example, swapping your white rice for brown rice. Or wake up to some whole wheat oatmeal instead of sugary cereal or a pastry.

You may be tempted to overdo it on the pasta or dessert at night. And you may be surprised at how easy weight loss is simply by keeping your portions smaller.

You can try using smaller plates for meals or avoiding going back for seconds unless it’s a special occasion. Your heart and your waistline will thank you.

2. Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and veggies are naturally low in fat and calories. They will fill you up without causing you to pack on the pounds. They are also rich in essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some vitamins, like Vitamin D, can help you shed pounds by keeping your hormone levels in check.

If you’re not inclined to grab a celery stick or munch on some spinach, consider making healthy smoothies for breakfast or lunch. Use some yogurt, which is high in protein and good for your digestive system.

3. Pump up the Protein

Lean protein is low in fat, and it can make you feel full so you’ll lose weight quickly. Great sources include chicken and turkey breast.

You can also benefit from white, flaky fish like cod or halibut. These are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight inflammation, cancer, and autoimmune disease. They can also help you ward off anxiety and depression.

Consider swapping out your creamy pasta dish or whole-wheat pasta with salmon. You’ll feel fuller faster and get the nutrients your body is really craving.

Healthy snacks like nuts, hard-boiled eggs, or turkey roll-ups are delicious and won’t pack on the pounds. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll shed the pounds once you start being proactive about your eating.

4. Move Around

An inactive lifestyle can make you more than just tired. It can also lead to hormonal imbalances, depression, heart disease, and other long-term effects.

If you’re not used to moving around during the day, start with a little walk around your office floor or home after each meal. Your job may require you to do a lot of work at a desk. Yet today, options like standing desks and office gyms make it possible to get a little activity even while your daily life requires sitting.

If you take the stairs instead of the elevator, you’ll burn .17 calories per step. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to shed some pounds by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

5. Don’t Drink Your Calories

Sugary drinks like fruit juice, hot cocoa, or sweetened iced tea can make you pack on the pounds without feeling full and may add to the belly fat. Opt for water, flavored seltzer, or unsweetened coffee instead.

6. Eat More Slowly

You may be tempted to eat quickly, especially if you have a busy life or a stressful job. The problem with this habit is that you may not realize that you are full, so you might take in more calories than your body needs.

Chewing more slowly can help you decrease your calorie intake. You’ll also produce more hormones that lead to weight loss.

7. Sleep Well

Research suggests sleep-deprived individuals are 55% more likely to become obese. Sleep deprivation can affect your body’s natural hormone control of your appetite. Moreover, the more sleep you get, the more health benefits your body gets.

If you want to shed some pounds, consider amping up your zzz’s. Make sure you have a relaxing nighttime routine, so you fall asleep fast and get between seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

8. Brush Your Teeth

Some folks have found brushing their teeth after meals can be helpful. It makes food taste unappetizing, and you’ll be less likely to reach for a snack.

9. Consider Body Sculpting or Liposuction

Some people who count their calories and work out still deal with stubborn areas. They change their sleeping and eating patterns but still don’t have the results they want. They may be good candidates for body sculpting.

These procedures are non-invasive and can take less than an hour from start to finish. It can lead to lasting comfort and an instantly improved body image.

Are You Desperate to Lose Weight Fast?

If you’re eager to shed a few extra pounds, consider a quick change in diet or sleep pattern. Other options, such as Vaser liposuction or body contouring, can offer an immediate change if you’re desperate to lose weight fast.

For more information on non-invasive weight loss procedures, contact us today.

Image credit: Personal Trainer Academy


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