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Liposuction for Men

How Is Liposuction for Men Performed?

Are you a man struggling with excess weight around the midsection or other areas? Sometimes diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to reach your body goals. Liposuction for men can help males of any age get the body they’ve been striving for. 

Premier Liposuction in Las Vegas, NV, offers lipo for men and other body sculpting procedures. Read on to learn more about the importance of liposuction and how it can help men get in better shape.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world, helping thousands of men and women achieve their body goals. The purpose of liposuction is to remove excess or unwanted fat from problem areas around the body. It is most often used in the following areas:

  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Flanks
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Face

Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves small incisions in areas with excess fat. A thin cannula is inserted through these incisions to break down fat and gently suction it out of the body.

Why Is Liposuction for Men Important?

Liposuction can be beneficial for anyone who struggles with excess fat, but it is particularly important for older men. It is common for men to gain weight as they age, and losing weight becomes much harder. Why does this happen, and how can liposuction help? Learn more below.

Why Men Gain Weight with Age

Weight gain can occur at any age, but it is especially common for older men. As you age, your testosterone production begins to naturally decline. When you were younger, testosterone was responsible for higher energy levels, high metabolism, and the ability to quickly build muscle mass. 

When testosterone declines, your muscle mass may turn to unwanted fat. Your energy will decline, and you will feel more sluggish, making it harder to exercise. Metabolism slows down, and weight can accumulate in problem areas like the stomach and back much more quickly.

All of these combined effects make it harder for men over the age of 35 to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Many men follow healthy diets and get adequate exercise but still fail to see the weight loss they’re looking for. This is why liposuction procedures are so important. 

Liposuction for men helps men drop unwanted fat and get the body they’ve been striving for. Find out what you can expect during a liposuction surgery in the following guide.

The Complete Lipo for Men Process

Whether you’re struggling with age-related weight gain or just looking to drop unwanted fat, liposuction for men could help. If you’re interested in this treatment, you may have some questions or concerns about the process. Below is a breakdown of what you can expect during your complete liposuction journey.

Your Consultation Appointment

Every liposuction process begins with a consultation appointment. Before scheduling your procedure, you must consult with one of our expert cosmetic providers. 

We will evaluate your excess fat and discuss your desired outcome. To help you envision your results, we will also review before and after photos from previous clients. Each patient undergoes a thorough review of their medical history as well.

All of this is to ensure that liposuction is the right procedure for you. There are different methods of body sculpting, and we want to confirm that you receive the best treatment to meet your needs. If we determine that you are a good candidate for liposuction, you will be able to schedule your surgery.

Preparing for Treatment

Once you have scheduled your liposuction surgical date, you can begin preparing for the procedure. A few weeks before your surgery, you will need medical clearance from your general physician. Most liposuction procedures are performed under general anesthesia, and medical clearance confirms that you are healthy enough to be put under. 

Sometimes, liposuction is performed on small, isolated areas and may only require local anesthesia. This also applies to certain types of liposuction, such as Vaser lipo. These patients typically do not need to receive medical clearance before their surgical date. 

The night before your liposuction treatment, you will be asked to avoid eating or drinking after a specific time. This is a precaution we ask of all patients undergoing sedation or anesthetics.

The Body Sculpting Process

Your liposuction procedure will begin once you are placed under anesthesia or your local anesthetic has been applied. When these have taken effect, small incisions will be made in the problem area. This may be the abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks, arms, or face. 

Through this discreet incision, instruments will be inserted to break down the fat cells in the area. In liposuction treatments like Vaser lipo, ultrasound waves break down the fat cells. In some lipo procedures, the fat is broken down manually through intense massage techniques.

Once these fat cells have been broken down, a thin cannula will be inserted through the incision. This cannula acts as a small vacuum to gently suction fat cells out of the body. These cells are strategically removed in a way that sculpts the body into a more flattering shape. 

When this is complete, we will close your incisions and transport you to an aftercare area to awaken.

Your Liposuction Results

It can take several weeks to see the final results of your liposuction procedure. Your body will need time to fully heal, and there may be swelling around the surgical site. Once this has subsided, you will see a slimmer, more sculpted figure free of unwanted fat.

Lipo for Men at Premier Liposuction

Are you interested in liposuction for men? Premier Liposuction provides lipo for men throughout Las Vegas, NV, and surrounding cities. Call our office today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert aesthetic medicine providers.

David Thompson

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